DealaPoem quotes » Quotes » Exploring the Wisdom of a Titan – Memorable Thanos Quotes

Exploring the Wisdom of a Titan – Memorable Thanos Quotes

October 19, 2024
October 19, 2024

Exploring the Wisdom of a Titan – Memorable Thanos Quotes part 1

I am inevitable.

Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.

The hardest choices require the strongest wills.

You should have gone for the head.

I know what it’s like to lose. To feel so desperately that you’re right, yet to fail.

Dread it. Run from it. Destiny arrives all the same.

This universe is finite, its resources, finite.

I hope they remember you.

You’re strong, but I could snap my fingers, and you’d all cease to exist.

I could reduce the human population to half and still keep the balance.

Exploring the Wisdom of a Titan – Memorable Thanos Quotes part 2

You will never know what you sacrificed for the greater good.

The mind is a powerful weapon, but so is the gauntlet.

A small price to pay for salvation.

You should have respected my authority.

Change is a part of life; I merely facilitate it.

Sacrifice is part of life, and I’m its harbinger.

The end is part of the journey.

What did it cost? Everything.

Fate is a stubborn thing.

In my heart, I knew you would come.

Exploring the Wisdom of a Titan – Memorable Thanos Quotes part 3

Your optimism is misplaced.

Nothing lasts forever, not even peace.

Sometimes the best way to see the future is through destruction.

Dust to dust, all is temporary.

I am the beginning and the end.

Balance is not just a concept; it’s a law.

With great power comes great entropy.

You don’t know hunger until you’ve lost everything.

The universe requires correction.

Only through destruction can we rebuild.

Exploring the Wisdom of a Titan – Memorable Thanos Quotes part 4

Every empire falls.

Endings are merely new beginnings.

Chaos isn’t a pit; it’s a ladder.

All paths lead to destiny.

I am the architect of my grief.

Your desperation amuses me.

Nothing is truly lost; it’s just transformed.

To create…one must first destroy.

The universe will always find its way to balance.

My vision is clearer than yours.

Exploring the Wisdom of a Titan – Memorable Thanos Quotes part 5

You call it a sacrifice; I call it a necessity.

Hope is a dangerous thing.

Every action has its cost.

Confront the inevitable with resolve.

In the end, we all serve the universe.

DealaPoem Admin

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