In a world full of hearts, I’m just a shadow.
Selfishness is the art of preserving ones own happiness at all costs.
Love is for the brave; I prefer to be heartless.
I wear indifference like armor; it protects me from love’s vulnerabilities.
Emotions are a luxury I can’t afford.
A cold heart is a well-guarded treasure.
Why share my warmth when icy solitude is so comfortable?
Compassion is overrated when self-preservation reigns.
Being heartless makes me invincible to heartbreak.
Im not cruel; Im just prioritizing myself.
The emptiness I feel is my choice, and I’m content with it.
Selfishness isn’t a sin; it’s a lifestyle.
A heart unclaimed is a heart unbroken.
My heart has gone into hiding, and its not coming back.
Emotional detachment is my superpower.
In a game of survival, empathy is a losing strategy.
Why invest in others when I can invest in myself?
I’ll take solitude over messy connections any day.
Caring is a weakness I cant afford.
My heart is a closed door, and I have the keys.
I choose the thrill of independence over the chaos of attachment.
Love is a burden; I prefer to travel light.
Why feel for others when I can revel in my own success?
The heart can be a dangerous thing; mine is safely tucked away.
Being heartless is my secret to a drama-free life.
Self-love is my only obligation.
My loyalty lies solely with myself.
Compassion is a distraction from my personal goals.
I’d rather walk alone than share my path with someone unworthy.
My happiness doesnt need to include anyone else.
The less I care, the less I hurt.
A heart of stone feels no pain.
Beneath my unfeeling exterior lies a liberated soul.
Ive mastered the art of emotional survival.
Indifference is my favorite response.
I build walls not to keep others out, but to keep myself safe.
No one can betray me if I never let them in.
My heart only beats for my ambitions.
Selfishness is the foundation of my freedom.
Emotional investment? Not on my agenda.
I refuse to wear my heart on my sleeve.
Heartlessness isn’t cold; it’s clear-headed.
Why drown in feelings when I can float above them?
I choose clarity over confusion; my emotions stay off the table.
In a sea of love, I prefer to be an island.
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