I’m kind of a big deal.
Stay classy, San Diego.
The only thing that matters is the news.
I love lamp.
You’re so wise. You’re like a miniature Buddha, covered in hair.
I don’t believe you. Youre a nerd.
Im in a glass case of emotion!
What do you think, Im some kind of a woman?
Im a very important person!
Theres a party in my pants, and youre invited!
I will fight you with my bare hands.
Im not a baby. Im a man!
Well, that escalated quickly.
Im Ron Burgundy?
You have no idea how high I can fly.
Im going to punch you in the ovary.
I love scotch. Scotchy, scotch, scotch.
Ive made a huge mistake.
Its all about the anchoring.
Im honeycomb, baby!
Baxter, you know I dont speak Spanish.
Its a simple question, you milk-drinking moron!
Im a man, but I can cry.
Its like a magic eye, but with people.
Ive got a bad feeling about this.
You stay classy, even when youre not classy.
That escalated quickly.
How’s my hair?
Im putting that in my diary.
Youre a graceful swan, and I’m a fiery phoenix.
I have many leather-bound books.
Why are you the way that you are?
Does this smell like chloroform to you?
I love the smell of journalism in the morning.
Youre like a little baby unicorn.
I am a human tornado.
Its a beautiful day in the neighborhood.
Ill see you at the top!
Im not drunk. Im just speaking in cursive.
Nothing can stop me, Im all the way up!
I am Ron Burgundy. Who is Ron Burgundy?
Dont act like youre not impressed.
Youre shoe-inspiring.
Sometimes we just have to let it go.
Ive got a great idea for a news segment!
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