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Hilarious Grandma Quotes That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud

September 30, 2024
September 30, 2024

Hilarious Grandma Quotes That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud part 1

If you can’t find your way, just follow the aroma of cookies!

In my day, we didn’t have GPS; we had a good map and a prayer!

Age is merely the number of years your heart has been in on the joke.

If you think I’m old, you should see my recipes!

When life gives you lemons, ask your grandma for the best lemonade recipe.

I may be wrinkled, but that’s just my wisdom showing!

You know you’re old when you get excited about a new kitchen gadget more than new shoes.

I remember when ‘streaming’ meant a good day on the river, not on the internet!

A good laugh is the best wrinkle cream!

I still have the energy of a 20-year-old… I just need a nap first.

Hilarious Grandma Quotes That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud part 2

Why do today what you can put off until after lunch?

I may not have Wi-Fi, but my love for family is always connected!

If you can’t laugh at yourself, just call me, and I’ll do it for you!

The best guide to life? A knitting pattern!

I don’t always give advice, but when I do, it’s usually from my armchair.

They say you’re never too old to learn; that’s why I still ask questions about TikTok.

I told my grandkids I was a hippie… they thought that meant I liked flowers!

Who needs therapy when you have a garden to dig in?

I run on coffee and sarcasm… with a sprinkle of love!

If you think I’m forgetful, just remember that I’ve lived through a lot!

Hilarious Grandma Quotes That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud part 3

When in doubt, bake a pie. It’s a universal problem solver.

I remember when texting was just passing notes in class!

Retirement: where every day is Saturday and every hour is happy hour!

If you’re looking for love, just check the cookie jar!

Being old means you can be as silly as you want without any judgment!

I used to have a photographic memory, but now I just take a lot of selfies!

They say laughter is the best medicine; I say it’s a slice of chocolate cake!

I asked my grandchildren what their biggest fear is… they said getting old like me!

I can still dance like nobody’s watching, but now my back complains!

Old enough to know better, young enough to get away with it!

Hilarious Grandma Quotes That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud part 4

You know you’ve made it when your belt has to double as a purse!

Forget the fountain of youth; I want the fountain of cookies!

Why wait for a special occasion? Every day is a reason to celebrate!

My superpower? Making the best biscuits in town!

Life isn’t about how fast you run but how many snacks you can eat along the way!

Grandmas: Making the world a sweeter place, one cookie at a time!

I’m on a seafood diet… I see food, and I eat it!

If my knitting could talk, it would tell some wild stories!

They say wisdom comes with age; I say it’s a side effect of all the cake!

I don’t need a GPS; I have a lifetime of ‘shortcuts’!

Hilarious Grandma Quotes That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud part 5

Procrastinating is my middle name, but my first is ‘Cookies’!

Remember, every time you giggle, an angel gets its wings… and probably requests cookies!

If you ever feel old, just know I’m older and sillier!

I may not keep up with trends, but I know how to crochet a blanket!

I can’t hear you over the sound of my ice cream machine!

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