Categories: Quotes

Hilarious Quotes from Twilight That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud

October 18, 2024
October 18, 2024

Hilarious Quotes from Twilight That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud part 1

I don’t do well with the stalker vibe, but you’re making it work.

When life gives you lemons, throw them at vampires.

I’d choose a sparkly vampire over a brooding one any day.

Team Edward? More like Team ‘I’m Not Going to Sparkle in the Sun.’

I’d rather watch paint dry than deal with a werewolf’s emotional issues.

Being a vampire sounds fun until you realize you can’t have garlic bread.

Is it just me, or did this love triangle require more than two sides?

I thought ‘Twilight’ would be about sunbathing… turns out it’s about brooding.

Bella, you might want to consider a career in vampire matchmaking.

If Edward sparkles any harder, I’m getting sunglasses.

Hilarious Quotes from Twilight That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud part 2

Why did the vampire break up? Too many ‘fangs’ involved!

I’d sparkle too if I had that much drama in my life.

Jacob: the only werewolf who can pull off a horror movie and a rom-com.

Every time I hear ‘I’m a vampire’, I see a glittery umbrella.

Some people collect stamps; I collect awkward vampire quotes.

When life gets tough, just imagine Edward’s hair care routine.

Why do vampires always look so good? It’s all in the blood… and the hairstyling.

Bella, your love life is more twisted than a pretzel!

If you ever feel down, just remember that Edward’s a hundred years old and still not employed.

I don’t need a therapist, I have a full schedule of vampire movies!

Hilarious Quotes from Twilight That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud part 3

I’d be less concerned about being a human snack if I had better snacks.

Edward: making ‘cold hands, warm heart’ a literal thing since forever.

In a world full of ordinary, be that ridiculously sparkly vampire.

Every time Bella trips, an angel gets its wings… or a vampire facepalms.

You know it’s love when he’s willing to share his dark secrets and awful hair care advice.

Why don’t vampires ever get lost? They always follow the scent of drama!

My favorite exercise? Jumping to conclusions faster than Jacob transforms.

Why can’t vampires use social media? They can’t be seen in the sunlight!

Bella’s life is like a rollercoaster — full of unexpected turns and screaming!

Forget the love potion — just sprinkle some glitter!

Hilarious Quotes from Twilight That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud part 4

Edward could use a little less brooding and a bit more grooming.

When it comes to werewolf tempers, let’s just say it’s a ‘ruff’ day.

Why do vampires always seem so calm? They’ve mastered the art of not giving a ‘fang’.

The only thing worse than a sparkly vampire? A melodramatic werewolf!

Who needs reality TV when you’ve got ‘Twilight’ staring back at you?

I can’t decide if I need a therapist or a vampire style guide.

Jacob’s idea of confrontation? Asking for a midday snack!

Life hack: If you get bitten by a vampire, eat lots of garlic bread.

The real question: Can I pull off a vampire look without the sparkle?

Forget ghosting — it’s all about vamping in the dating game.

Hilarious Quotes from Twilight That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud part 5

With all these love triangles, I’m expecting a geometry lesson.

Isn’t it time vampires upgraded their wardrobe from the 1800s?

Bella’s clumsiness should win awards — or at least get a sponsorship!

Vampire romance: proving that love can be electrifying, even in the dark!

If Bella can survive high school, I’m pretty sure she can survive anything else.

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