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Hilarious Quotes from Your Favorite Books to Brighten Your Day

September 7, 2024
September 7, 2024

Hilarious Quotes from Your Favorite Books to Brighten Your Day part 1

I told my librarian I was reading a book on anti-gravity. She said I couldn’t put it down!

I put my book down and tried to act normal. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever done!

I read a book on procrastination. I’ll start it tomorrow.

My favorite exercise is reading in bed until I fall asleep.

I like big books and I cannot lie!

If I can’t bring my book, I’m not going.

I accidentally swallowed a book. Now I know it’s hard to digest fiction.

Reading is a way to escape… and sometimes, so is napping!

My book club only reads wine labels.

I’m on a seafood diet. I see food, I read about it.

Hilarious Quotes from Your Favorite Books to Brighten Your Day part 2

Every time I open a book, the words come alive… but then they go back to sleep!

I’m not addicted to reading; I can stop as soon as I finish this chapter!

I told my book it was boring. It hasn’t spoken to me since.

Do you know what I love about books? They don’t have WiFi!

I could be great at multitasking if only I could read and drink coffee at the same time!

A book a day keeps reality away!

You should really read my autobiography; it’s a plot twist!

I’m reading a horror book about staplers. It’s really spine-chilling!

Some people talk to their plants; I read to my books!

The only commitment I’m ready for is finishing my current book.

Hilarious Quotes from Your Favorite Books to Brighten Your Day part 3

I have a love-hate relationship with books. I love them, they hate my bookshelf.

I read ‘The Clock of Destiny.’ Then I realized I was late!

Why don’t books play hide and seek? Because good luck hiding those plot twists!

My book is better than yours. It whispers sweet nothings!

I’m in a committed relationship with my book; there’s no room for pages!

Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.

I tried to write a book on reverse psychology. Don’t read it!

I finally finished my book on time travel. You’ll hear about it tomorrow!

The best part of reading? It’s the only time being ‘lost’ feels good!

I’d tell you a joke about a book, but I’d rather turn the page!

Hilarious Quotes from Your Favorite Books to Brighten Your Day part 4

Reading is like breathing: I can’t live without it… and sometimes I gasp!

My bookshelf is an introvert; it just wants to be left alone with its stories!

Books are like friends: they come in many genres, and I love them all!

I decided to burn my calorie book… it was too heavy anyway!

I’m on a literary diet. I only read the leanest of novels!

Ever tried to read a suspense novel? It keeps you on the edge of your seat!

I told my book I needed space. It left me hanging at chapter five!

I read a book about anti-social behavior. I’ll let you know what it’s about… later!

I’m writing a book on reverse psychology; you’ll want to read it!

I fell asleep while reading a book about seduction. Guess I wasn’t into it!

Hilarious Quotes from Your Favorite Books to Brighten Your Day part 5

My book just told me a secret. It says it’s the twist ending I didn’t see coming!

I’m reading a book on fear. It’s terrifyingly good!

Why don’t books ever get lost? Because they always have a spine!

If books could talk, they’d probably gossip about us!

I’m fluent in bookish sarcasm! Care for a dialogue?

DealaPoem Admin

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