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Top Inspirational Quotes by Saul Goodman – Wisdom from the Breaking Bad Universe

October 5, 2024
October 5, 2024

Top Inspirational Quotes by Saul Goodman – Wisdom from the Breaking Bad Universe part 1

I don’t care how you do it, just get it done!

You don’t need a criminal lawyer, you need a criminal lawyer.

Sometimes you gotta take a leap of faith.

In the world of law, being good isn’t good enough.

Catchy phrases are my bread and butter.

I’m not a bad guy; I just have a different approach.

The law is like a game; the winner writes history.

You don’t want to know how the sausage is made.

When life hands you lemons, make lemonade — and charge for it.

It’s all about the spin, baby!

Top Inspirational Quotes by Saul Goodman – Wisdom from the Breaking Bad Universe part 2

You can’t spell ‘Saul’ without ‘us’!

Life’s a negotiation; you either win or learn.

My clients don’t do time, they do deals.

I’m the guy you call when the chips are down.

I deliver justice, just not the textbook version.

Think of me as your legal life coach.

A little bit of charm can go a long way.

In my world, gray areas are the new black.

Why be a good Samaritan when you can be a smart one?

I have a degree in charm and a PhD in persuasion.

Top Inspirational Quotes by Saul Goodman – Wisdom from the Breaking Bad Universe part 3

Every criminal has a story; I just happen to tell it better.

My motto? Always leave them wanting more.

Behind every successful scheme is a great lawyer.

I put the ‘fun’ in ‘dysfunctional.’

Legal problems? Let’s turn them into opportunities.

It’s not about the law; it’s about the interpretation.

I thrive in chaos — it’s my natural habitat.

Who needs a cape when you have a briefcase?

Laws are like languages; I speak them fluently.

In a world of black and white, I’m the colorful exception.

Top Inspirational Quotes by Saul Goodman – Wisdom from the Breaking Bad Universe part 4

Justice may be blind, but I’ve got 20/20 vision.

Every problem is just a challenge in disguise.

I’ve got a plan for every curve life throws your way.

Making mistakes is part of the game; I just charge for the lessons.

Bend the rules; don’t break them — there’s a difference.

I’m in the business of bending the truth — legally.

When you’re in a tight spot, just think of me.

I’m more than just a lawyer; I’m a legal magician.

Let’s rewrite the rules in our favor.

You’d be amazed what you can get away with if you know how.

Top Inspirational Quotes by Saul Goodman – Wisdom from the Breaking Bad Universe part 5

I don’t play by the rules; I create my own.

My clients leave problems at the door; I handle the rest.

Behind every case is a story begging to be told.

When the law is your playground, the possibilities are endless.

I turn legal nightmares into sweet dreams.

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