DealaPoem quotes » Quotes » Top Inspiring Nick Miller Quotes You Need to Know

Top Inspiring Nick Miller Quotes You Need to Know

September 22, 2024
September 22, 2024

Top Inspiring Nick Miller Quotes You Need to Know part 1

I’m not saying I’m a catch, but I’m definitely a distraction.

I’m a good person, but I like my coffee like I like my emotions—dark and strong.

What doesn’t kill you is going to leave a big scar.

Sometimes you have to be the hero of your own life… like Batman but with less money.

I love everyone equally, but I also dislike everyone equally.

I’m not great at advice, can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?

Being in love is like owning a dog; it’s a lot of work, but the love is unconditional.

I could really go for a bowl of regret right now.

There are two types of people: those who like me and those who don’t exist.

Commitment is just a fancy word for avoiding the Netflix queue.

Top Inspiring Nick Miller Quotes You Need to Know part 2

Dreams are what happen when you take a nap at an inconvenient time.

I’m not lazy, I’m just on energy-saving mode.

To be fair, I was raised by wolves… really slow wolves.

If I wanted to hear from my heart, I’d check my pulse.

I don’t believe in fate, but I do believe in coincidence… mostly when it benefits me.

Life is a series of unfortunate events, but I’d like to think they make great stories.

Sometimes I wonder if I’m the adult in the room or just the kid who can’t find their way out.

I’m like a rogue unicycle: I’m unstable but I get you where you need to go.

Nothing ruins a good day like an overwhelming sense of dread.

If you can dodge a wrench, you can throw a party.

Top Inspiring Nick Miller Quotes You Need to Know part 3

I’m an open book… just extremely well-guarded.

If I had a dollar for every time I was right, I’d have enough to buy a coffee.

You can’t spell ‘awesome’ without ‘me’… or is that ‘awful’?

Friendship is just a fancy word for being stuck with someone forever.

Being misunderstood is like being an unsung hero—nobody cares.

I don’t need therapy; I have my friends and a steady supply of snacks.

Expectation is the root of all disappointment, and I’m on a quest for low expectations.

Sometimes I feel like a genius surrounded by people who aren’t.

The best part about being me is I’ll never know how great I could have been.

Naps are the universe’s way of telling you it’s okay to stop adulting.

Top Inspiring Nick Miller Quotes You Need to Know part 4

I stand by my belief that dessert is a food group.

Why chase dreams when sleeping works just as well?

Happiness is simply a lack of bad humor.

Every disaster is just an adventure waiting to be told badly.

Life is too short to be taken seriously… unless you’re at work.

Every time I try to be an adult, I end up Googling how to adult.

If you’re not making mistakes, you’re probably just not trying hard enough.

Sometimes, the only thing standing between you and your dreams is an internet connection.

I’m not weird, I’m just uniquely typical.

Relationships are built on trust… and mutual Netflix account sharing.

Top Inspiring Nick Miller Quotes You Need to Know part 5

Reality check: life is just one big awkward silence.

If sarcasm burned calories, I’d be a fitness model.

The only thing more confusing than life is trying to organize my sock drawer.

I’m just trying to be the best version of myself… in pajamas.

Everything happens for a reason, and sometimes that reason is just bad judgment.

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